As a vendor when you sign up to vend for an event there are no guarantees? Event coordinators and seasoned vendors can attest to this. There could be 3 people there or 300..and either way there is no guarantee they will buy what you are selling. This should in no way reflect on the event when it’s your responsibility to do the research and decide what is best for you in advance (balancing vendor cost with probability of sales). Also you have to be serious as well, having literature/media so people can follow-up later. All sales don’t happen on that day…someone may have already spent their funds before they get your table etc. Here are some tips:

  1. Have an ample supply of product with you.
  2. Do you own advertising letting potentials fans and friends where you will be prior to the event.
  3. Have give-a-way business media with your contact info for those who may run out of cash or in case you run out of merchandise so people can contact you after the event. Every sale may not be a same day sale!
  4. Decorate your table to make it inviting and eye-catching. Don’t just throw your merchandise on a table and expect it to jump into the hands of the clients. Invest in large posters, banners, personalized tablecloths, standing/hanging signs that can be used over and over at events to get the attention of passersby.
  5. Be personable. If you are sitting there frowning or talking on your cell phone then you are not inviting people over. Interact with other vendors so they will not only mention you to other customers but also become potential buyers. No matter what you are selling be prepared to demonstrate products, give away free samples  , read excerpts, play cd’s and more to showcase your wares.
  6. Find out in advance how much advertising has been done for the event, how many other vendors, estimated attendance and the history of the event. Is this an event where appealing to the audience who your product is geared to? Are you selling men’s shoes at a Divorced And Angry Women’s Conference?  Do your research!
  7. Be Professional. Before , during and after the event because vending opportunities can lead to other opportunities and connecting  that can grow your business.

At the end of the day, being a vendor is another form of networking and marketing so be prepared, and be knowledgable and then SELL! SELL! SELL!

AJ Wesley

Alegna Media Design