


“YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND!” Use the LAW OF ATTRACTION… If you want to make a $1,000,000.00 a year start FEELING you have that, make a vision board of a picture of a million dollar bill, add things you would like to the vision board, this is really FUN! Believe it is possible, Believe you deserve it, look at your vision board every day and feel these things,and be GRATEFUL for what you have always. The universe or whatever you believe, will start to re arrange itself to make your dreams come true! It’s you genie in a bottle, so again be careful what you put into the ether, all it hears is what you focus on. If you are focusing on the BAD, more will be given to you, you want GOOD so start focusing on GOOD.


Envision™ stimulates creativity and resourcefulness, encouraging renewed faith in the future and the ability to maintain the emotional fortitude necessary to achieve goals and dreams. Sometimes in life, for a variety of reasons, people suppress their internal drive. Envision helps awaken and renew that drive to overcome fear and begin experiencing new, more rewarding dimensions.

Gathering Dreams and Fostering Care to young people

The Month of May is loaded with opportunities for this organization to raise awareness and we plan to do just that and put the “Pwower” behind the cause and make a difference in our communities every heart, every person every time. We desire to let it be known that we go above and beyond just caring, we take action. We won’t wait until the situation knocks on our doors to make a difference in the outcome that is beneficial to society as a whole.  Today and now is the time because tomorrow may be too late.

May is the National Month of the Foster Child. We are strategically partnered with Gathered Dreamz, Inc.  to highlight the issues, increase awareness, and develop a support system for girls and young women in foster care.  Gathered Dreamz, Inc. offers mentorship to girls ages 6-21 in the foster care system in Philadelphia, PA.  Dana Barfielde and Tiffany Robinson, founded Gathered Dreamz, Inc in 2011 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania .  Barfielde and Robinson were brought together by a common belief that many youth, particularly foster children, in their community lacked meaningful academic, social and career guidance. Barfielde and Robinson were determined to make a difference and they conducted several research studies pertaining to the overall care of girls and young women in foster care. It has been proven time and time again that this population has the difficulties that children in the same age group don’t face. In particular, young women ages 15-18 need assistance as they prepare to transition out of foster care and there is a gap in services for these young women.  Gathered Dreamz, Inc initiated change that influences and impacts these girls and young women’s lives beyond the foster care system. Gathered Dreamz, Inc has is a valuable resource to the community with the backing of other prominent youth–serving organizations in the city of Philadelphia.

Here are a few staggering statistics about the young people in the Foster Care system:

Ø  Every year, approximately 30,000 young people leave the foster care system without lifelong families – most at age 18. On their own, these young adults must navigate a weakened economy offering fewer jobs and less support for vital services such as housing.

Ø  Thirty percent of the homeless in America and some 25 percent of those in prison were once in foster care.

Ø  There are over 408,000 American children and youth in foster care.

Ø  About 40,000 infants are placed in foster care every year.

Ø  126,000 children are currently available for adoption.

Ø  More than 20,000 children each year never leave the system


Information obtained from ( . For more information on the statistics of the youth in Foster Care visit The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children & Families.

The W.O.W Organization has initiated its Pen pal postcard campaign to maintain contact with young ladies in the mentorship program. Each young lady will be sent a post card to keep them Encouraged as they endure and triumph over challenges and obstacles. These young women will be Empowered by the support of W.O.W members who are sending cards from all over the world. They can Embrace an opportunity to form a relationship with someone who can definitely be an example care, concern, and continued support in their lives beyond their current circumstances and into a bright and productive future.  We are excited about the smiles that will grace the faces of these young ladies and the young boys.

You are more than welcome to join us as we support the efforts of Gathered Dreamz, Inc as they move forward in their mission and vision for young ladies in foster care.

Contact Gathered Dreamz, Inc to Volunteer, Donate, Learn More

Follow them on Twitter @gathereddreamz

Just Smile

Greetings from Naga76 Creative.

Just a quick word or two on customer service. There is nothing worse than the feeling of handing over your life’s work,  life savings, best and brightest idea to someone else’s hands AND needing to trust them to not dash all of your hopes and dreams on the craggy rocks of life. To alleviate this tension and calm the raging worry that is can be running through a your client’s mind all you have to do is smile. Yup, that’s all, just smile. Shake their hand with a smile, talk with a smile. Be sure to tell them how much you can or cannot do for them with a smile and always part ways with them with a smile. This little facial anomaly can do wonders for how much they trust you, how easily they come back to you,  and accept any criticisms that may be given.

And with this I bid you farewell with a wave….. and a smile.