


“YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND!” Use the LAW OF ATTRACTION… If you want to make a $1,000,000.00 a year start FEELING you have that, make a vision board of a picture of a million dollar bill, add things you would like to the vision board, this is really FUN! Believe it is possible, Believe you deserve it, look at your vision board every day and feel these things,and be GRATEFUL for what you have always. The universe or whatever you believe, will start to re arrange itself to make your dreams come true! It’s you genie in a bottle, so again be careful what you put into the ether, all it hears is what you focus on. If you are focusing on the BAD, more will be given to you, you want GOOD so start focusing on GOOD.


Envision™ stimulates creativity and resourcefulness, encouraging renewed faith in the future and the ability to maintain the emotional fortitude necessary to achieve goals and dreams. Sometimes in life, for a variety of reasons, people suppress their internal drive. Envision helps awaken and renew that drive to overcome fear and begin experiencing new, more rewarding dimensions.